Sunday, January 30, 2011

other photographers

These pictures I took with inspiration from Steven Shore. His photographs remind me of a story of a road trip. He takes a lot of pictures of cars, rest stops hotel feeling spaces and people. He reminds me of Eggleston in that his photographs are very personal, makes you wonder the story behind each photo. His photos are similar to Eggleston also in that they capture a loneliness feeling. On a road trip by yourself you have no one to talk to or be with and these photos I took remind me of a lonely hotel room.
This photo I took with inspiration from Alfred Steiglitz. Alfred takes a lot of black and white photos of people's surroundings, as well as people and body parts. He reminds me of Eggleston because Eggleston took a lot of photos of his surroundings down south.  My photo is of my backyard at night because Alfred's photos of the outdoors all seem very dark.
This photo is one I took with David Octavius Hill's paintings in mind. His paintings are all of the 1800th century. He paints a lot of people, some posed and others supposed to look in the moment which reminds me of Eggleston's photos in that when he captures people they aren't supposed to be posed but are. The photo i took is posed like some of Hill's paintings were.

^ these are the photos i got used for inspiration, the first photo is by Alfred Steiglitz, the second photo is by Steven Shore and the third is by David Octavius Hill

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